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Allied Homes
266 Allison Street
City of Glasgow
G42 8RT
0141 422 1818
Services | Valuation Accuracy | Fees Satisfaction | Min Price of property reviewed | Max Price of property reviewed |
From Landlords | From Tenants | From Vendors | From Buyers | Other | |||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No Properties
If you'd like to read a genuine review from a previous tenant please read my 1 star review below. Please note that Lesley has supposedly been working with them as a Landlord so I would invite all prospective tenants to read my review. This review just comes across as damage control to be honest. The reviewer, Lesley, has even commented on my review- stating that she felt forced to leave a positive review in response to my negative review. If Allied Homes really are so wildly amazing- shouldn't that warrant a good review, rather than simply posting it as a counterargument? If Allied homes have been so amazing to her for so many years then shouldn't she have left them a positive review years ago? Just a thought. Clearly an inside review to bump up their star rating.