Sheffield, S1
1/5, 2 reviews
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“Unbelievable! The most incompetent group of people i have ever ......”

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Apr 24,2012
By: 'Ashover123'
Apr 24,2012
5 people found
this helpful
Unbelievable! The most incompetent group of people i have ever dealt with!

I rented a property through them. I was never told the rent had to be paid before the 30th of the month prior, so i was called around of the 10th being chased for it. I said fine and paid. I was then called 5 MONTHS later by the agency, saying the landlord (who lived abroad and i had no contact with) wanted us out for not paying the rent. Blundells said this was in relation to the first month being late, which we thought was odd. I did not want to move so asked them 3x to speak to the landlord, each time they came back saying he wouldn't speak to us and wanted us out. The Landlord then rang us a week before i was to leave to check if everything was ok, having only then got our messages. We explained we didn't think it was fair we had to leave, as it was Blundells who were not clear at the beginning regarding the rent due. He then said we had been late EVERY MONTH. We worked out that Blundells had screwed up by taking our money on the 10th and not allocating it to the rent- and so what we paid on the 29th each month after, we thought was for the forecoming month, but was rent 29 days late.

The landlord then agreed to let me stay and advertise to get someone in (Blundells had been advertising for 2 months and still had no one- and as i wanted to stay it would be easier just to get one other in). I was happy to but said i could only pay my half of the rent, to which he agreed.

I left the property 2 months later as i failed myself to get someone in before Blundells got 2 people in, which is fair enough. However, when i tried to claim back my deposit i was told there was 2 months outstanding rent (THE MONTHS I WAS LIVING ON MY OWN, AND WHICH I HAD AGREED WITH THE LANDLORD I WOULD ONLY PAY HALF!) Blundells refuse to pay back my £700 deposit (despite knowing the landlord and I had agreed this) and i have now had to take this to The Property Ombudsmen.
What agent could do to change your mind?
Seen the reason for the outstanding debt and therefore paid back my deposit. Allocate the rent properly
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North Church House, Queen Street
South Yorkshire
S1 2DE

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Lettings 0% 99% £550 £550
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“Very unhappy customer...”

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Jul 30,2018
By: 'Cosmin'
Jul 30,2018
1 people found
this helpful
First the agent did not show up to the appointment, after she lied that she was there and we did not show up. Then after the rescheduled viewing asks for £475 admin fees. She did not know the property she was advertising and lied about the ...
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Comment on agent fees
475 admin fee its absolutely
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“Unbelievable! The most incompetent group of people i have ever ......”

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Apr 24,2012
By: 'Ashover123'
Apr 24,2012
5 people found
this helpful
Unbelievable! The most incompetent group of people i have ever dealt with! I rented a property through them. I was never told the rent had to be paid before the 30th of the month prior, so i was called around of the 10th being chased ...
read full review
What agent could do to change your mind?
Seen the reason for the outstanding debt and therefore paid back my deposit. Allocate the rent properly
Attached Filesnbsp;
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure available.

Awards won by Blundells, Sheffield S1 2DE

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