Dumbarton, G82
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“Where do i begin, they shouldn't be called Allen & Harris, ......”

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Jan 03,2018
By: 'You'
Jan 03,2018
17 people found
this helpful
Where do i begin, they shouldn't be called Allen & Harris, it should be Dick Turpin, they're only interested in "stealing" your money.
When i first decided to put my property up for sale, i mistakenly chose this estate agent, firstly, i wanted photos taken of my property, i work Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm but the photographer couldn't come out on the times i specified so i had to take my own & send them through to Dick Turpin sorry, Allen & Harris. They then put them in their window but i noticed the photos looked grainy, i told them this & they said there was something wrong with their printing machine. They also constantly kept putting up the wrong photos i had asked for. I had to ask them to put up a "for sale" sign in the garden, their attitude seemed as if they weren't going to bother. I was told i would get a monthly marketing report showing me how many views etc my property had, i received 1 report in a year. whenever i emailed them to say i didn't think my property was being marketed properly, they would eventually email back weeks later saying the market is very slow. In November 2017, someone wanted to buy my property (first time buyer) & wanted an entry date of 15/12/17, maybe very short notice for some but i agreed to this date. I asked Allen & Harris to ask the buyer if they wanted any items left in the property, ie, tumble dryer, dishes, cups, etc, i wasn't wanting any money for them. I'm STILL waiting for Allen & Harris to email me back. I obviously had to find alternative accommodation before 15/12/17 & sell Fridge, TV's etc. Then i was told the entry date had been put back to 21/12/17 & that i had to provide another refreshed home report, this was another nightmare but i'll spare you the details. I also asked the estate agent, with the amount of money they got off me £1300 +VAT, could they send me a breakdown of where this money was paid to, i'm STILL waiting for a reply. I asked a member of staff from Allen & Harris if i could be sent through a copy of the home report & was told that wouldn't be a problem. i found out the person who said they would send the home report through, is on holiday until 3/1/18.
I urge people to avoid this estate agent because they only want your money & DO NOT communicate with their clients. They're an absolute disgrace !!!
Sorry about the long winded review
Comment on agent fees
Terrible, they're only after your money, like i said, just call them Dick Turpin
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Allen & Harris
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G82 1NZ
10389 717002

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“Where do i begin, they shouldn't be called Allen & Harris, ......”

Share on :
Jan 03,2018
By: 'You'
Jan 03,2018
17 people found
this helpful
Where do i begin, they shouldn't be called Allen & Harris, it should be Dick Turpin, they're only interested in "stealing" your money. When i first decided to put my property up for sale, i mistakenly chose this estate agent, firstly, i wanted photos taken of ...
read full review
Comment on agent fees
Terrible, they're only after your money, like i said, just call them Dick Turpin
Was this helpful? Yes
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