Mermaid Quay Branch, Cardiff, CF10
2.3/5, 6 reviews
33% recommended
50% lettings valuation accuracy
67% lettings fee satisfaction

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“Extremely disappointed from the word go. Letting the property was ......”

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Aug 10,2016
By: 'Young'
Aug 10,2016
1 people found
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Extremely disappointed from the word go. Letting the property was a shambles, leading to a series of last-minute paperwork demands and us wondering on the day we were moving, sitting in the van to drive from Scotland to Cardiff, if we would be allowed to move in. No offer of compensation for the hotel we had to stay in as a result of the delay in them giving us this information. Upon arrival, property was in an unfit state, garden untended for years, nails and holes in the walls, cleaning not done (though they claim it was done 2 days before move-in - a toilet black with limescale, a futon covered in a layer of dirt, unclean carpets, layers of dust and cobwebs say otherwise, or at least indicate incompetence), not to mention the state of the cooker wiring and various repairs and junk that was left in the house and garden. These were things our viewing representative was told would 'of course' be resolved before we moved in, and contract cleaners were due etc etc. Landlord claims property was 'sold as seen' apparently, but it was certainly not. In attempting to get this attended to 6 weeks have passed and the phrase 'we'll get back to you as soon as possible' has never meant less - seriously, it means literally nothing. Every time it is said I know it to be a lie, and I have not been proven wrong. My emails are ignored, or replied to a week and a half later, not even responding properly to the contents. Every time I phone I get a different person who can do nothing. Having come from a property run by a lovely agency (Town and Gown in Fife) who I am still in contact with regarding deposit return etc. I am seeing a stark difference in the level of attentiveness and care. Now, I don't know if it's because we are young people (early 20s) and therefore can be taken advantage of with ease, or if the agency is overworked and underpaid. I don't know whether it is true ignorance or bare-faced lies, but as tenants we feel ignored, undervalued, strung-along and patronised. No dates have yet been set to address our issues, which we reasonably expected to be resolved within a week or two at the most. It's not good enough, not by a long shot. And I swear, if we get a cleaning bill at the end of our tenancy I will have a jolly good laugh.
What agent could do to change your mind?
Extremely high, possibly to pay for employee gerbil run.
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Comment on agent fees
Extremely high, possibly to pay for employee gerbil run.
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Taylors Estate Agents
Unit 13
Mermaid Quay,Cardiff
CF10 5BZ

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Lettings 50% 67% £800 £900
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“I recently sold a property in Cardiff Bay and......”

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Apr 27,2021
Apr 27,2021
0 people found
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I recently sold a property in Cardiff Bay and for one reason or another it took a ridiculous amount of time for the sale to go through. This was no fault of Taylors though and Sian who oversaw the sale was brilliant! She was extremely ...
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“Extremely helpful staff...”

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May 28,2018
By: 'Kelly'
May 28,2018
1 people found
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The staff of this branch have absolutely amazing. So friendly and helpful from the day we enquired to the move In. They sort out any maintenance issues within a great time frame and always keep us updated with a little email. They are always happy ...
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“Dishonest and vindictive. Never take your business away from these ......”

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Oct 04,2016
By: 'Gwyneth'
Oct 04,2016
3 people found
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Dishonest and vindictive. Never take your business away from these guys - they will take their revenge. In fact avoid this agent....
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“As prospective landlord supplied paperwork for rental which was all ......”

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Sep 23,2016
By: 'Lost'
Sep 23,2016
2 people found
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As prospective landlord supplied paperwork for rental which was all lost by Taylor's Mermaid Quay Office. Failed to return calls. Really not interested in solving the problem. Staff obstructive and clearly preventing me from speaking to the manager....
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“Extremely disappointed from the word go. Letting the property was ......”

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Aug 10,2016
By: 'Young'
Aug 10,2016
1 people found
this helpful
Extremely disappointed from the word go. Letting the property was a shambles, leading to a series of last-minute paperwork demands and us wondering on the day we were moving, sitting in the van to drive from Scotland to Cardiff, if we would be allowed to ...
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What agent could do to change your mind?
Extremely high, possibly to pay for employee gerbil run.
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Comment on agent fees
Extremely high, possibly to pay for employee gerbil run.
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“Terrible - nearly two months after tenancy ended still haven't ......”

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Dec 03,2015
By: 'Louise'
Dec 03,2015
3 people found
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Terrible - nearly two months after tenancy ended still haven't had deposit back. Monies deducted for cleaning (though cleaned professionally after I left) and £60 for something they will not advise me what. Given bank details and correct email/phone numbers but they continue to contact ...
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure available.

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