Welcome to GHOST Inventory software designed by inventory professionals Six month free trial for all monthly subscriptions Create detailed inventory reports quickly and easily Unlimited photos and storage Intuitive layout and report checklist ? Room and feature templates to save time spent at the property ? Works on your phone or tablet without the need for wi-fi (wi-fi required to sync reports) Easily copy an inventory ready to update for a new tenancy
Ghost Software

7 Stanford Avenue

CH45 5AP
0151 3050354

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Welcome to GHOST Inventory software designed by inventory professionals Six month free trial for all monthly subscriptions Create detailed inventory reports quickly and easily Unlimited photos and storage Intuitive layout and report checklist ? Room and feature templates to save time spent at the property ? Works on your phone or tablet without the need for wi-fi (wi-fi required to sync reports) Easily copy an inventory ready to update for a new tenancy

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