Hallam & Co
Newark, NG24
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“Absolutely awful service....from start to finish. I would never ......”

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Mar 07,2014
By: 'Paddy'
Mar 07,2014
5 people found
this helpful
Absolutely awful service....from start to finish. I would never recommend using this company. I rent at the moment and I would never do that again through Hallam and Co ...I would certainly never ever buy a house through them. It shocks me that it is still running to be honest.
As a tenant nothing is recorded if you complain, administration bad, I have been shouted at by the staff when complaining about service. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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By: Paddy who ?
Apr 16, 2014
Well you are an absolute liar as we don't even sell property and all this is about is that you and we know who you are have never even been a tenant , you live elsewhere nowhere near these offices and you need to watch your step like you have been warned before .
Hope your wife is well by the way .
If you were so genuine why not give your real name or is it that you are wanted by so many that you are too scared and hide behind the garden security that you have in that hell hole of a house you live in in that brittany squalor you call home !??

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Hallam & Co
Southchurch House,25-26 Market Place
NG24 1EA
01636 674410

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“Absolutely awful service....from start to finish. I would never ......”

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Mar 07,2014
By: 'Paddy'
Mar 07,2014
5 people found
this helpful
Absolutely awful service....from start to finish. I would never recommend using this company. I rent at the moment and I would never do that again through Hallam and Co ...I would certainly never ever buy a house through them. It shocks me that it ...
read full review
Was this helpful? Yes
By: Paddy who ?
Apr 16, 2014
View all comments (1)
Well you are an absolute liar as we don't even sell property and all this is about is that you and we know who you are have never even been a tenant , you live elsewhere nowhere near these offices and you need to watch your step like you have been warned before . Hope your wife is well by the way . If you were so genuine why not give your real name or is it that you are wanted by so many that you are too scared and hide behind the garden security that you have in that hell hole of a house you ...
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Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

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Last updated at 10:04 AM 30/03/2018 by Eddie Cormack Eddie Cormack

Awards won by Hallam & Co, Newark NG24 1EA

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