Mansfield, NG18
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“Unfortunately 1 star is a star too many, this......”

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Aug 05,2022
By: 'Wayne'
Aug 05,2022
2 people found
this helpful
Unfortunately 1 star is a star too many, this company are a joke, they do not send legal documents when a new landlord takes over, no they just threaten you with eviction, even though you have no idea the rent has gone up. They ignore emails and calls, if they do reply all they do is pass the buck for someone else to deal who inevitably ignores you. After 6 months i still had not received a new tenancy agreement or signed anything regards a rent increase, then all i get is a charlatan of a landlord threatening me over the phone to pay or he will serve a section 21 order on me....guess what the following day one arrives, then all of a sudden i get an email telling me my landlord has changed and the old agreement is valid, well if thats the case my rent goes up in line with cpi ....which is just over 7% equates to £20 per month, nope lets increase it by £75 a month, then just ignore any legalities.

Unbeliveably ive just opened an email to get the right branch and they are asking for the next 2 months rent already, well guess what, i wont be here, despite the reference you gave me, again full of total lies, nice try !!!!!!.

This company and the way ive been dealt with has been reported to the ombudsman, the landlord has been reported to the council for harassment and countless illegal electrical problems and a broken fire point , but hey money over lives.

Heaven forbid you get Jade as a property manager, clueless, ignores any contact, but emails to ask me for a meter reading , tell you what how about you get off your arse, come and get it and do your job, she gets reported to her senior Robyn who is as bad, fobs it off, lies and buries her head in the sand, new manager of Sheffield branch Becky has learned well, she does the same.

On the whole an awful company, full of liars and law dodging pretenders, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask........avoid at all costs, unless you want to be evicted for asking for paperwork that is legally required, the other tenants got theirs early on but not me, tell you what because i cant be bullied, just get me out.

My pleasure, id rather sxxt in my hands and clap than deal anymore with you !!!!!
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“Leaders failed to inspect my property for ove......”

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Aug 22,2023
By: 'Bruce'
Aug 22,2023
0 people found
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Leaders failed to inspect my property for over three years during which the tenant mistreated it resulting in £10k damage that could have been prevented had Leaders carried out their inspections and arrested it in the early stages. They deny all responsibility. Worse still they ...
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“Unfortunately 1 star is a star too many, this......”

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Aug 05,2022
By: 'Wayne'
Aug 05,2022
2 people found
this helpful
Unfortunately 1 star is a star too many, this company are a joke, they do not send legal documents when a new landlord takes over, no they just threaten you with eviction, even though you have no idea the rent has gone up. They ignore emails ...
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Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure set.
Last updated at 10:16 AM 16/09/2019 by heather heather

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