Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4
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“I have chosen this agency to help me with renting ......”

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Aug 16,2017
By: 'Alice'
Aug 16,2017
2 people found
this helpful
I have chosen this agency to help me with renting a house for the first time and it hasn't been a smooth process. In fact, I ended up giving up renting the property with them.

Total lack of information. As I was trying to rent for the first time I was oblivious to loads of things (broadband and utility contracts, council tax, agency rules) and they haven't shown a bit of effort towards making these things easier for me. I had to ask all the questions and got vague answers. One thing they'll be very clear about are the fees and the deadlines to pay them.

Still, I really needed to find a place for myself so I ignored a couple of red flags along the way. We get to the point where I email all the paperwork and all the details, I even get a move in date, when suddenly they remember they forgot to mention I had to be a UK resident for 3 years or more to be able to rent.

Now that is something that should've been mentioned at an earlier stage, for example:

- when I asked if there were any particular conditions to be able to rent upon viewing the house (I've been told I needed a full time job, permanent and that I needed to rent for at least 6 months)

- when I've emailed them my papers and ID which clearly states I'm not a UK national (that should've rang a bell)

- during the 20 mins we've been chatting, when my accent was pretty obvious despite years of studying English (once again, that should've rang a bell).

Now I have 10 days left on my contract and no prospect of finding a house for myself. Thanks for helping me, I guess.
Comment on agent fees
I'm not bothered by the fees, they're no better with any other agent. Paying does not bother me as long as I get a service. In this case, consider me bothered.
Was this helpful? Yes
By: Rook Matthews Sayer
Aug 16, 2017
Hi Alice, we have emailed you directly to discuss the matter. I am sorry you have felt dissatisfied.

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Rook Matthews Sayer
Ground Floor, Newcastle House, Albany Court
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne & Wear

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Lettings 0% 99% £450 £450
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  • Tyne & Wear
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“I have chosen this agency to help me with renting ......”

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Aug 16,2017
By: 'Alice'
Aug 16,2017
2 people found
this helpful
I have chosen this agency to help me with renting a house for the first time and it hasn't been a smooth process. In fact, I ended up giving up renting the property with them. Total lack of information. As I was trying to rent ...
read full review
Comment on agent fees
I'm not bothered by the fees, they're no better with any other agent. Paying does not bother me as long as I get a service. In this case, consider me bothered.
Was this helpful? Yes
By: Rook Matthews Sayer
Aug 16, 2017
View all comments (1)
Hi Alice, we have emailed you directly to discuss the matter. I am sorry you have felt dissatisfied. ...
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Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure set.
Last updated at 9:36 AM 25/03/2022 by

Awards won by Rook Matthews Sayer, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 7YB

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