Seymours Estate Agents
West Byfleet, KT14
2.5/5, 2 reviews
50% recommended
0% sales valuation accuracy
0% sales fee satisfaction

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“Seymours looked after the top of our chain, a small ......”

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Oct 13,2011
By: 'Never'
Oct 13,2011
16 people found
this helpful
Seymours looked after the top of our chain, a small chain that consisted of 2 properties, our buyer's property sold through Seymours and our property sold through Richmonds. Once my wife and I had finally found the property that we wanted (a difficult task due to an extensive wish list) we were one of two interested parties. Despite having the higher offer the vendor needed to move quickly so instructed her estate agents (Ashwells) to check out how solid our chain was... this was supposed to be a formality given the short chain and having been under offer for 2 months.

Enter Vince Nigrelli - A senior partner at Seymours whose arrogance and nonchalant attitude frustrated Richmonds, myself and more importantly Ashwells who had little joy getting much re-assurance from Vince who refused to return calls and spend any time imbuing confidence. Vince's performance was so poor that Ashwells expressed deep concern about Vince and felt that he was reason enough to suspect problems with a quick completion.

In an attempt to rescue what was a dying bid to win the property I contacted Vince with this feedback hoping to encourage him to contact Ashwells to reassure them that the top of the chain was solid and could move quickly. He claimed that he had returned calls and spoken to Ashwells (and Richmonds who I also asked to find out information) when I told him that they hadn't heard from him he hung up on me. I later discovered that he spoke with our buyers and told them I called him a liar and a cheat... ironically proving this false claim to be true!

Don't sell your properties through Seymours as they clearly spend no time researching their buyers as Vince... a SENIOR partner... was unable to confirm that our buyers purchaser had a mortgage offer, 12/14 weeks after putting our buyer's property under offer!!!! This and his un-professional conduct ultimately cost us the house we wanted.

If you live in Byfleet or West Byfleet, I suggest that you use Richmonds who I have found to be really open and professional and who Ashwells described as ¢â‚¬Å“superb¢â‚¬Â and "really helpful".
What agent could do to change your mind?
Showed some interest in helping close a chain. Return calls. Not hang-up on calls. Help solve a problems, not create them. Be professional.
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Opening Hours

Seymours Estate Agents
40a Station Approach
West Byfleet
KT14 6NG
01932 354494

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“We have found Maxing to be very helpful and efficient ......”

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Mar 14,2018
By: 'Taneja'
Mar 14,2018
0 people found
this helpful
We have found Maxing to be very helpful and efficient during our viewings she's very professional in her approach always fully armed with all the information about not just the property but all related stuff too like the neighbourhood and transport etc she makes the ...
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Comment on agent fees
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“Seymours looked after the top of our chain, a small ......”

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Oct 13,2011
By: 'Never'
Oct 13,2011
16 people found
this helpful
Seymours looked after the top of our chain, a small chain that consisted of 2 properties, our buyer's property sold through Seymours and our property sold through Richmonds. Once my wife and I had finally found the property that we wanted (a difficult task due to ...
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What agent could do to change your mind?
Showed some interest in helping close a chain. Return calls. Not hang-up on calls. Help solve a problems, not create them. Be professional.
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure set.
Last updated at 2:54 PM 15/03/2016 by allAgents

Awards won by Seymours Estate Agents, West Byfleet KT14 6NG

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