Abbots Langley, WD5
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“Poor experience as a landlord...”

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Nov 02,2021
By: 'ADAM'
Nov 02,2021
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I have recently moved away from Haart and was originally with BJB. The service has been poor and I am taking the points I raised in my complaints letter for my two properties in Telford with them. Here is my complaint with them at the point of leaving:

No one answering the phone for maintenance or billing issues. This happens to both landlord and tenant in mine and their experience about 80% of the time.

No one responding to emails or returning them days/weeks later.

Constant changing of staff.

Closing branches.

Maintenance issues highlighted but not actioned.

Mistakes with billing always in their favour after maintenance issues.

Complaints from tenants that they are unable to contact them whereby you end up being the proxy.

Complaint from a tenant that they breached data protection by contacting her ex-husband of sometime divorced, even though she had repeatedly told them not to.

There contract for signing up as a landlord is very aggressive with penalties and if you don't like being treated as thus described and try to leave they are very proactive with attempting to enforce these clauses.

When you do eventually leave they are awkward about returning keys and although they have been closing branches they feel you should drive very long distances to their new offices.

When you do eventually leave they continue to send arrears letters to your tenants that have never missed a payment. I have one tenant that received his third arears letter today but has never missed a payment. This tenant has been extremely stressed as a result, concerned about his credit rating. When I asked them to stop doing this as the tenant needed to avoid being stressed as he had a heart attack less than a year before, there was still no urgency in their action.

I am a very busy person that wanted to provide the best service for my tenants and myself. For this reason I choose a management company. I concluded at the end that it would have been less work to manage the properties myself and maintenance issues with things like leaking pipes that risk damage to the property would have been faster to resolve myself. With Gas certs and regulatory things they were very good but I have given such a low review as they were paid to deal with the none run of the mill stuff and just didn’t have the capability. Near enough every time there were problems outside of the routine they struggled to deliver. A top of the constant issues with their billing and late payments of rent sometimes two or three weeks late, there was just no point to having them.

PLEASE NOTE: I have used the first address on the list as I can't find the office I was dealing with and was moved to several different offices in the time I was with them.
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30 High Street
Abbots Langley
01923 269444

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“Poor experience as a landlord...”

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Nov 02,2021
By: 'ADAM'
Nov 02,2021
0 people found
this helpful
I have recently moved away from Haart and was originally with BJB. The service has been poor and I am taking the points I raised in my complaints letter for my two properties in Telford with them. Here is my complaint with them at the ...
read full review
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Last updated at 9:37 AM 21/08/2019 by heather heather

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