Clapham, London, SW4
5/5, 6 reviews
100% recommended
100% sales valuation accuracy
100% sales fee satisfaction
100% lettings valuation accuracy
99% lettings fee satisfaction

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Estate Agents in Clapham SW41 | Property & Flats to Rent Houses to Buy

“Our agent George was by far the most useful a......”

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Sep 26,2019
By: 'Gina'
Sep 26,2019
0 people found
this helpful
Our agent George was by far the most useful and engaged estate agent that we came across on our search for buying a house. He was responsive and at times went above and beyond what I imagine estate agents would typically do. He was one of the main reasons we bough the house in the way as he made the process so simple and helped clarify and questions/concerns we may have had. He was also much more responsive than our actual lawyer!
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Opening Hours

16 The Polygon
Greater London
020 7498 8600

Performance statistics
Services Valuation Accuracy Fees Satisfaction Min Price of property reviewed Max Price of property reviewed
Sales 100% 100% £530,000 £1,400,000
Lettings 100% 99% £0 £0
Review statistics
From Landlords From Tenants From Vendors From Buyers Other
1 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0
Areas covered
  • SW4
  • SW8
  • SW9
  • SW2
Services offered
  • Sales
  • Lettings
  • Block Management
  • Surveys
  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage Advice
  • Home Builder
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“Very professional from beginning to end, se......”

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Jan 24,2020
By: 'Keith'
Jan 24,2020
0 people found
this helpful
Very professional from beginning to end, selling my fathers property was not easy but Bradley was very helpful and fantastic , even in the darkest days he gave us hope and pushed to get the sell done. I would use them again should I ever sell ...
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“Our agent George was by far the most useful a......”

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Sep 26,2019
By: 'Gina'
Sep 26,2019
0 people found
this helpful
Our agent George was by far the most useful and engaged estate agent that we came across on our search for buying a house. He was responsive and at times went above and beyond what I imagine estate agents would typically do. He was one ...
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“My boyfriend and I just purchased our first flat through ......”

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Jan 29,2014
By: 'Alannah'
Jan 29,2014
2 people found
this helpful
My boyfriend and I just purchased our first flat through Winkworth in Clapham and found everyone there to be friendly, reliable and very helpful. We didnt exactly have the most easy vendors on account of a very strict deadline being enforced, but Winkworth did everything ...
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“We have just completed the sale of our property in ......”

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Aug 15,2013
By: 'Paula'
Aug 15,2013
5 people found
this helpful
We have just completed the sale of our property in Battersea through Winkworth and were very pleased with the service we received. Max and the team were extremely professional and efficient throughout the process: which was not exactly straight forward at times. We went with ...
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“Winkworth were great. They found a buyer for the full ......”

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Mar 19,2014
By: 'N'
Mar 19,2014
1 people found
this helpful
Winkworth were great. They found a buyer for the full asking price within a day or so of the property going on the market and they were professional and courteous to deal with....
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“Courtney Edmund and Hannah, have got me tenants and look ......”

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Sep 22,2014
Hannah Watson
By: 'Nina'
Sep 22,2014
1 people found
this helpful
Courtney Edmund and Hannah, have got me tenants and look after my flat, and look after me Always there to help and give advice. THANK-YOU...
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Staff picture Hannah Watson
No image available Bradley
No image available George
Staff picture Polly
Staff picture Polly
No image available Hannah
No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

Winkworth: Our complaints procedure

Winkworth is a franchise, operated by Winkworth Franchising Limited. The following notes
are provided for your guidance in the event that you wish to make a complaint against any
Winkworth office, all of which are independently owned and operated.


Notes for the Guidance of Complainants

All Winkworth offices are members of The Ombudsman Service {TOS} and we aim to
provide the highest standards of service to all our clients. It is a condition of our
membership of the Scheme that all complaints are dealt with through our own internal
Complaints Procedure. This provides the opportunity for the complaint to be resolved
before the need to refer to the Ombudsman arises.

To ensure that your interests are safeguarded, all complaints are initially dealt with by the
office concerned and ultimately by the Franchisor, Winkworth Franchising Limited. If your
complaint is not resolved to our mutual satisfaction you can approach the TOS, who will
provide an independent review and assessment of the complaint.

The Complaints Procedure


f you have a complaint against a Winkworth office, please provide a written summary of
the nature of your complaint and confirm the name of the individual with whom you
dealt. Your summary should be address to the franchisee of the office against which you
have a complaint. In the case of the office issuing this leaflet, your letter would be
addressed to:

Nick Goble
207 - 217 Lavender Hill
Email: [email protected]

Your complaint will be acknowledged immediately and you will be given a time-scale
within which a formal written response will be sent. The formal written response will
inform you of the outcome of the initial investigation and any actions taken or to be taken.


f you are not satisfied with the initial outcome of the franchisee's investigation, you will
be provided with the opportunity to have your complaint reviewed by the Franchisor,
Winkworth Franchising Limited.
Please provide a copy of your complaint with a covering letter requesting further
investigation. Remember to also include copies of all your correspondence with the
franchisee and send to:

Complaints Department
Winkworth Franchising limited
11 Berkeley Street
London, W1J 80S
Email: [email protected]


If you are dissatisfied with the final findings of the Franchisor Review, you are at liberty to
have the matter referred to the TOS, whose contact details are supplied below. You are
also entitled to have your complaint referred to the TOS should Winkworth fail to deal
with the complaint expeditiously i.e. within three months of the date of written
notification to Winkworth.

By referring your complaint to the TOS, it will be reviewed and a final decision provided to
you via the TOS.

PLEASE NOTE: Complaints between landlords and tenants are not covered by the
procedures outlined above. However, as the agent we would hope to be in a position to
assist both Parties to resolve any issues, even though there is no obligation on our part to
do so.

Contact details for The Ombudsman Service (TOS}:
The Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1021
Telephone: 0330 440 1634

Last updated at 1:19 PM 16/10/2014 by allAgents

Awards won by Winkworth, London SW4 0JG

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