“Total disaster. Rats, in the house, 1,000s cockroaches and a ......”
1 Star Review
Jun 02,2014
Jun 02,2014
Branch: Stratford, 49c Leytonstone Road
Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
Rent PCM: £1000
Would you recommend?: No
Postcode: E139
Branch: Stratford, 49c Leytonstone Road
Lettings (as a Tenant)
Rent PCM: £1000
Postcode: E139
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Total disaster. Rats, in the house, 1,000s cockroaches and a huge leak that meant no water for weeks. In addition to that the agents blamed me and even sent me invoices to pay for repairs. I had to leave cos leak so bad black water came up. House is not fit to live in. I had to pay a 300 fee for leaving and my 2,000 deposit is threathened as im blamed stuff that was already in the house when i moved in. The woman, Louise, who works there is a hawk who shouted at me nonstop on telephone and treated me like a criminal. im not a criminal but a human being and did not break any law and did not damage the house
What agent could do to change your mind?
Ths is not write how DavidDaniels treated me. this is not right. i will fight the company for every penny u take from my deposit and i will fight against DavidDaniels in all other legal ways. the fees are not advertised at all despite that being a new government regulation. i will fight until u r forced to display your fees and move.
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