Our team of Trainers and Business Consultants/Advisors, in their previous professional careers, have developed a wealth and depth of business knowledge working with industry leading companies i.e. British Airways PLC, Kinnarps UK, NHS trust , Sequence UK, The Connells Group. Choices. Morrowfield, Their hands on experience covers over three decades where they were instrumental in training , coaching and developing successful teams towards improved revenue growth and process capability.
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Our team of Trainers and Business Consultants/Advisors, in their previous professional careers, have developed a wealth and depth of business knowledge working with industry leading companies i.e. British Airways PLC, Kinnarps UK, NHS trust , Sequence UK, The Connells Group. Choices. Morrowfield, Their hands on experience covers over three decades where they were instrumental in training , coaching and developing successful teams towards improved revenue growth and process capability.

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