Professional Moving to London? Your job is your #1 priority. And finding you the perfect London apartment for rent is ours! London Relocation provides a comprehensive services for professionals relocating to London.
London Relocation

946 Kensington High Street

W8 4SG
0207 993 0422

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'They found me exactly what I was looking for'
Review by: Annie
Service used : Not selected
'Provate Customer at Mestas'
Region: London
Dec 30,2018
London Relocation is amazing! They found me exactly what I was looking for and made it extremely easy for me to move. They asked me a series of questions to get the ideal place and came back to me wi... read more...
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Professional Moving to London? Your job is your #1 priority. And finding you the perfect London apartment for rent is ours! London Relocation provides a comprehensive services for professionals relocating to London. We promise to make your relocation a pleasant and productive experience. And we guarantee placement in as little as 36 hours!

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