"Acaboom helps you win more instructions by structuring your market appraisal process with a digital, visual journey. Provide personalised content to your clients before, during and after the market appraisal all at the click of a few buttons, whilst understanding when your clients are in decision-making mode and catching them at the right time to win the instruction. Product Information • Pre-appointment valuer based introduction. • Collation of client and property data useful to valuers p

86-90 Paul Street

020 7096 1246

Website : www.acaboom.co.uk/
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"Acaboom helps you win more instructions by structuring your market appraisal process with a digital, visual journey. Provide personalised content to your clients before, during and after the market appraisal all at the click of a few buttons, whilst understanding when your clients are in decision-making mode and catching them at the right time to win the instruction. Product Information • Pre-appointment valuer based introduction. • Collation of client and property data useful to valuers pre-market appraisal. • App to deliver interactive tablet-based presentations when with clients. • Personalized client marketing proposal sent to clients. • Notifications to valuers of clients viewing their presentation. • Tracking of changes in the market affecting specific clients – changes to comps and similar properties to market; this promotes higher quality follow-up calls and better targeting of which prospect clients should be called. • Market Update Reports sent to clients at frequencies chosen. • Withdrawn properties are tracked for possible private sales – identified land registry sales are reported so enable checking for a missed fee. • AcaboomConnect captures client and property data at the point of booking the market appraisal and sends it to Acaboom it being booked. Problems we solve for agents • Instruction winner – valuer promotion as the expert; clearly communicated reasons-to-instruct; useful market updates sent to the client. • Generate additional revenue streams – more improved revenues through higher fees being obtained. • Reduce withdrawals – more identifying if a private sale has occurred when Withdrawn. • Build their brand – Presentations deliver an impressive brand experience for the end client. • Cut administration – workload savings by a) collating all info about the client and property in one place and b) reduced unsuccessful follow-up calls as know when clients are viewing the presentation."

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