Carter Jonas
Winchester, SO23
2.7/5, 3 reviews
33% recommended
0% sales valuation accuracy
0% sales fee satisfaction
0% lettings valuation accuracy
0% lettings fee satisfaction

Property Features

“Enquired and then viewed a property available......”

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Mar 26,2024
By: 'Anon'
Mar 26,2024
1 people found
this helpful
Enquired and then viewed a property available for a six month let. The fair amount offered was actually suggested by the agent and when put forward to the landlord (the Church of England apparently) I was told by the same agent (Zaza Oswald) that unequivocally no offers lower than asking would be accepted on the property. About a month later I happened to see it reduced to the amount I offered and it is still not rented. Usually and based on what I was told by the agent I would be questioning the landlord; however, having had another run in with this same agent who also put up huge obstacles and prevented the renting of another property I suspect this is down to appalling agent conduct instead. This review is as much a warning to potential tenants as it is to landlords - they are turning ideal tenants away and leaving properties sat unrented for months.
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Opening Hours

Carter Jonas
9-10 Jewry Street
SO23 8RZ
01962 842742

Performance statistics
Services Valuation Accuracy Fees Satisfaction Min Price of property reviewed Max Price of property reviewed
Sales 0% 0% £0 £0
Lettings 0% 0% £1,195 £1,195
Review statistics
From Landlords From Tenants From Vendors From Buyers Other
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
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  • Home Builder
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“Enquired and then viewed a property available......”

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Mar 26,2024
By: 'Anon'
Mar 26,2024
1 people found
this helpful
Enquired and then viewed a property available for a six month let. The fair amount offered was actually suggested by the agent and when put forward to the landlord (the Church of England apparently) I was told by the same agent (Zaza Oswald) that unequivocally ...
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“The team at Carter Jonas in Winchester were e......”

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Jul 10,2020
By: 'David'
Jul 10,2020
0 people found
this helpful
The team at Carter Jonas in Winchester were excellent in their professional approach, identifying suitable properties and providing great guidance. In particular Tessa and Zaza were proactive and extremely helpful ensuring details were sorted and contracts exchanged in a short timescale. Highly recommended....
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“Recently rented a property with Carter Jonas in Winchester and ......”

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Feb 23,2017
By: 'renter252'
Feb 23,2017
2 people found
this helpful
Recently rented a property with Carter Jonas in Winchester and really disappointed in the aftercare,as very rarely respond to issues with rental property had to wait 3 months for one repair.Only interested when initially starting the contract....
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Comment on agent fees
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

Carter Jonas is committed to providing a professional service to all clients and customers and if something goes
wrong we need to know about it.
If you have a complaint that you have been unable to resolve satisfactorily with your local Carter Jonas office
please write to us giving as much detail as possible.
By email to [email protected]
By post to Carter Jonas Compliance, 51 Northbrook Street, Newbury. RG18 9QT
We will always endeavour to deal with any complaint as quickly as possible however you should be aware that we
have up to eight weeks to consider the matter. If we have not resolved it within this time you may refer your
complaint to the Property Ombudsman, details below.
So that you know what to expect we have summarised the typical stages of reviewing a complaint.
Acknowledgement ? You will receive an acknowledgement that we have received your complaint
within 3 working days.
Investigation ? We will investigate the circumstances of your complaint and discuss with the
local Office where appropriate.
Findings ? We will provide a written summary of our findings within 15 working days of
sending you the acknowledgement letter.
Review ? If you wish to comment or request a further review you should contact us
Final response ? We will then have 15 working days to complete our review at which time we
will send you a final written viewpoint on the matter.
If you are dissatisfied with this conclusion or any aspect of our handling of your complaint you may refer it to The
Property Ombudsman (TPOS) to request an independent review. Such a referral must be made within 12 months
of our final review letter.
You may write to The Property Ombudsman Ltd, Milford House, 43-45 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire. SP1 2BP
( Our registration number with TPOS is R00346.
Last updated at 1:10 PM 25/01/2018 by allAgents

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