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Manning Stainton,Lidget Hill,LS28 7DT

Certified Customer Experience
Report Summary

Report generated on (18 April 2024 @ 04:54:06)


Rated 4.93 out of 5 based
on 88 reviews

  • 88 reviews of John
  • 955 rank out of 48365 in the UK
  • 94% sales valuation accuracy
  • 96% sales fee satisfaction
  • 99% lettings valuation accuracy
  • 99% lettings fee satisfaction





Customer Experience
Awards Won

2016 Best Estate Agent in LS28

Recent Customer Reviews From
Clients Of This Agent

Chelsey Carr on 29/03/2023
From the very beginning we had such a pleasant and professional experience with Manning Stainton. We viewed a house that was arranged by Debbie to which she booked us a valuation on our property with John. Who was fantastic, very knowledgeable. Had done his research on properties similar to ours and gave a true and fair valuation. We then instructed and Debbie became our lead contact for our purchase and sale (Both through Manning Stainton) We had a problem with our potential buyers and Debbie dealt with it fantastically and got us back on the market straight awayto which we sold again very quickly. Debbie has throughout being in constant contact. Keeping us up to date with solicitors etc. I would highly recommend and will definetly use in the future. Debbie thank you for all your help.

  • Services: Sales (as a Vendor)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: LS286PL
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Richard on 27/03/2023
Manning Stainton, Pudsey branch, managed the sale of our property Starting with a realistic valuation in the first instance by John and continued by Debbie as our main contact. She was efficient, kept us informed with regular contact and was supportive through a somewhat drawn-out and challenging process. So our sincere thanks to the whole team who delivered a good service and a successful conclusion We would recommend Manning Stainton.

  • Services: Sales (as a Vendor)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: LS288RG
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Fran Graham on 03/03/2023
Rachel Day and John, Manager of the Pudsey Branch were supremely helpful, friendly, efficient and professional. They have made the process of marketing our house easy and it has been a pleasure working with them. I\'d also like to thank the whole Pudsey team who are really helpful and friendly, it really makes a difference!

  • Services: Sales (as a Vendor)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: LS133PS
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Elizabeth Watkins on 16/12/2022
I got to a stage of thinking this would never happen as the months kept going on but after 10 months and Debbies continued support I am now living in my new home. Thank you Debbie for listening and never giving up on me. I am really impressed with your diligence at following things through Thank you John for the smiles which were important and reassuring to me Professional team.

  • Services: Sales (as a Buyer)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: LS288JA
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
STEVE RHODES on 12/12/2022
from start to finish with all the staff involved in our sale and purchase , we were very pleased with the very helpful and pro-active advice and assistance through all the steps ; nothing was too much trouble , and the pro-active and prompt communications was fantastic ; my wife and I would not hesitate to recommend Manning Stainton , and we have done so on more than one occasion since our move .

  • Services:
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: LS287JX
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes

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