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Sterling De Vere,Unit 1, 120 - 132 Chrisp Street,E14 6NL

Certified Customer Experience
Report Summary

Report generated on (24 April 2024 @ 16:24:21)


Rated 5.00 out of 5 based
on 4 reviews

  • 4 reviews of Norbert
  • 16547 rank out of 48365 in the UK
  • 99% lettings fee satisfaction





Customer Experience
Awards Won

Recent Customer Reviews From
Clients Of This Agent

Lorenzo on 14/06/2017
I advice this agent because He was always ready to satisfy my need in the house. When I ask for a desk, the day aftare it was in my room.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £620
  • Postcode: E14
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? No
Luigi on 12/01/2017
Really good experience. My agent Norbert is a really professional agent. I suggest him to you. The agency is really good

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E2 0
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Milda & Agne on 06/12/2016
Norbert (I guess) is really the best agent in this agency. (I communicated with other agents and I was a bit disappointed with them). Norbert really taking care about tenants, he is very pleasant, organized and friendly! If we have some issues he's fixing it sooo easy and quick. Thank you!

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £840
  • Postcode: E1
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
elodie on 02/12/2016
Very nice people and always available when needed. Answer quickly to emails when a question is asked. Always provide the correct help to any request.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E1
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes

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