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Sterling De Vere,Unit 1, 120 - 132 Chrisp Street,E14 6NL

Certified Customer Experience
Report Summary

Report generated on (24 April 2024 @ 22:40:27)


Rated 5.00 out of 5 based
on 5 reviews

  • 5 reviews of Arthur
  • 15010 rank out of 48365 in the UK
  • 99% lettings fee satisfaction





Customer Experience
Awards Won

Recent Customer Reviews From
Clients Of This Agent

Jhon on 13/07/2017
Arthur treats his clients in a very respectful way, he is very helpful and committed to respond promptly, as well as, he keeps follow up things until they are solved.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E3
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Elena on 07/03/2017
Arthur has been most helpful whenever we emailed him about some issues int he property. Communication with him is easy and Arthur is a reliable agent.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E14
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Valentina on 15/02/2017
I have been in touch with Arthur only towarda the end of my agreement but he has always been helpful and very responsive.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E2
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Muhammad Salih Munir on 20/12/2016
Arthur is an extremely helpful and cooperative person. He replies instantly and participates to his full in solving the issue. He is very kind and i must say he is very caring and kind towards his customers.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £720
  • Postcode: E3 5
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
S.L. on 02/12/2016
Arthur has been extremely responsive in the past month of my tenancy, and looks into issues that I raised regarding the house very quickly. He is very helpful & gave clear instructions when I was clueless for the issue I raised & were not covered by the agent.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £140
  • Postcode: E14
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes

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