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Unknown Agent,Portable Account Paused,0NA WER

Certified Customer Experience
Report Summary

Report generated on (24 April 2024 @ 02:21:36)


Rated 5.00 out of 5 based
on 3 reviews

  • 3 reviews of James
  • 20980 rank out of 48365 in the UK





Customer Experience
Awards Won

Recent Customer Reviews From
Clients Of This Agent

Davies on 05/04/2017
I had to approach Townends Estate Agents, Streatham by phone to assist me find accomodation after much disappointments. It happened that James Kamara answered my call. James listened to me patiently as I told him of my house need. He replied politely that there is an accommodation that will suit my need. In short James was able to secure the type of apartment I have been seeking, for about 2 months, within hours. He was very friendly, helpful and encouraging in the renting process, which was successfully completed with my moving in, aided with useful advisory support from him. I wished, I had approached Townends earlier for accommodation. I will certainly use the services of Townends Estate Agents, Streatham again whenever the need arises. I am pleased with the services Mr. James Kamara offered on behalf of Townends Estate Agents, Streatham.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: SW16
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
E & L on 15/09/2016
We were very pleased with the service, we received, especially from James and Ravi. They are very friendly, helpful and professional. Excellent service.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: SW16
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
james camara on 13/04/2016
i had a very good service. so happy for the costumer service that i received. the agent was really friendly and caring about my request.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £2500
  • Postcode: SW16
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes

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