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Sterling De Vere,Unit 1, 120 - 132 Chrisp Street,E14 6NL

Certified Customer Experience
Report Summary

Report generated on (19 April 2024 @ 23:05:20)


Rated 4.80 out of 5 based
on 40 reviews

  • 40 reviews of Benjamin
  • 2786 rank out of 48365 in the UK
  • 95% lettings fee satisfaction





Customer Experience
Awards Won

Recent Customer Reviews From
Clients Of This Agent

Philip Horn on 25/07/2016
This has been my first move out from my parents home, at first it seemed really daunting and terrifying. However, since walking in to this agency it has made me feel a lot less stressed and cared for. My partner and I had two amazing agents, both were bending over backwards to find us the right place. After a couple of trips there we managed to find the perfect room and it was quick, easy and hassle free to get hold of the keys. Since we have moved in there have been a few small issues, something you might consider popping down to your local DIY store and sorting it out yourself. However, even as I mentioned it in passing the issue was resolved within 3 days. This has been due to a lovely agent, they have been the one answering the emails and getting our room looking even more amazing. Thank you very much to all of the agents that we dealt with, you have made this experience so much easier and I would definitely recommend you to anyone considering moving out.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E1 3
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
AC1993 on 02/12/2015
Thanks guys for all your help in sorting out the Internet problem in our house. Usually it can be a pain to get through to these call centres but that's not the case with sterling de Vere. They have a 24 hour line and always are on hand to help

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E1W
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Roseanne Gregory on 15/10/2015
Ben came and delivered my new key within half an hour of requesting after the locks were broken. Phil helped me transfer in to my new property.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £640
  • Postcode: E14
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
Jacky f on 14/10/2015
Ben and yassine showed me around a few flats before I made a decision on which one to rent. They were polite and friendly. Good service

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E3
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes
adrian ivanciu on 13/10/2015
Very good service, nice and quickly. He has a very good future ahead of him and im pleaseed to get The room.

  • Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
  • Rent PCM: £0
  • Postcode: E6
  • Experience: Would you use the agent again? Yes

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