Add and review unlisted agent

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Summarise your experience or highlight an important point


Please note we do not accept reviews from prospective customers. Your review has to have at least 20 words

Allocate staff directly to the review (optional)
Type in name(s) of staff member(s) that you have dealt with in this agent

Property details

(The address of the property or block in your dealings with this agent.)

Your feedback

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In order to prevent abuse on this website, Allagents compliance team may contact yourself if there are any issues regarding the review. Providing a contact number helps us with this.

Our rules

  • We welcome all constructive reviews.
  • Be honest and fair.
  • Only review agents you have direct experience with.
  • Use of any offensive language is not acceptable.
  • If you wish to nominate a representitive or member of staff in a review, please use the boxes to choose or insert their name.
  • Do not use a temporary email address.
  • Do not leave a review from within an agents office network. Reviews found to have originated from an agent will be rejected.
  • All submissions will be checked before publishing, your review may take usually up to 7 days to appear on this site.
  • We request that you read our Terms and Conditions before you rate and review an agent.

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